Safe-n-naked within their own castle bedrooms. Round
our world without saying a single word. My own waiting
for lucky me. Secretly! Amazing female sexual genies.
Obeyed the ancient mating call of nature. Lustfully!
Pulled down then took off for us. Their dripping
expensive panties! When I picked up the juicy scent!
Away I went to secret gardens mate with them. Faster
than a fighter jet! Can fly high in the sky! So we
together as one. No matter the distance of miles.
Became the howling and growling like werewolves!
In never ending sexual heat to meet-n-mate! Loud and
proud became the lucky parents. Of our own mutual
desired in their beds. Baby steps game plan creation.
Daddy&Mother delivery between us with lust, forever!
Roy Fennell-06/20/2018-5:10p.m.
Slowly, with rhythm at, first! Shamelessly! When we
began coming together as one, nonstop! Helplessly! Knew
we were unable to runaway! Escape our own Internet karma
fate. Destiny like nature magic to secret gardens mate.
Unstoppable! Our red book diary secret way. Untamable!
American&Overseas online married. Round our world. Daddy's gurls diva women. With shopaholic feel good spendthrift
fever! Can keep more of their respected everyday. Jobs paychecks in their bank books! Enjoying an offline/online. Shopping
naked and sexual freedom paradise. Creation of thy own occupations&careers. While still above ground to enjoy the
benefits! Experience new lives as legal. Money making and booty shaking naked! Secret wives and queens. Of their
own secret money. Making lover&online husband. As no can touch it! Goddesses of seduction. International manhood teasers/secret
garden pleasers! No can kiss it! Secret girlfriends business women. Of reality and fantasy delights! No! No! No! Never
can ever lick it! Collectors of credit card plastic money. From their own respected women and men. Hooked and seduced
for life. Webcam and phone sex respected secret admirers. Shamelessly! To spoil and pamper themselves, deliriously! Like
born to be spoiled modern day women queens. Within our safe-n-naked money. For us relationship online marriage. Absolutely&truly
no illusion. Without walking out of their castle doors, worldwide. With rising higher female pride and bank books, too! Roy
Fennell-04/18/2018-3:11p.m. Seeing is believing&feeling it, first! Not a mirage.
We believe of minds&hearts. To depth of our sexual souls.
In the unseen power of true love! Itself without strings.
Each of my own legal get paid. Money making naked secret
Wives&Queens. Had already discovered&seen with their own
eyes! Before they made me! Deeply! Release beneath their
umbrellas. The legal $1,000,000.00 financial game plan.
Between the Woman-1&Woman-4 pages. Benefits of having their
own business websites. Custom designed business cards, too!
Going in the direction of "Lady Millionaire" status before
humble me. Which does not include free will purchases.
Of gold coins, vials and loose diamond stones. Goddesses
of seduction. Business women of reality&fantasy delights!
With like secret gardens of gold! With like lava hot
liquid gold. Pleasure muffin honey collecting loads. Of
electronic plastic card money. No can touch it! From their
own respected webcam&phone sex. No can kiss it! Seduced
hooked fo' life secret admirers. No! N0! N0! Never can
lick it! International manhood teasers. Sugar sweet secret
garden pleasers. To become DiVa women with luxury!
Gangnam lifestyle futures born to receive the opportunity.
To create, build and promote their own DiVa Women Empires, worldwide.
Risen higher female pride safe&naked!
Climbing the ladder to reign on top! Of the webcam&phone sex.
Global adult entertainment Industry. Daddy&Mother
love together as one. Like nature magic without either of
us. Walking out neither of our castle doors. Under the same
heavenly roof. Of the skies, stars moon and sun, above.
Their own secret money making lover&online husband.
Roy Fennell-12/29/2017-4:14p.m. Unseen behind them as
financially successful women. Center of attention being
in the spotlight! Fame, wealth and fortune, first, not me.
Twice in their own castle beds, first! I was the lucky one!
Lucky, lucky humble me! I became an International daddy!
Beginning with 25-30 hours per week. Yes I do wide-open! Free will ready for us! To become legal get paid! Money making
naked secret Wives&Queens.
Of thy own secret money making lover&online husband. Within our money for us relationship online marriage. Can see
how their lives&futures. Can be now and later. With them not me. In the driver's seat control. By Internet once
financially engaged&online married. Our red book secret diary way. Safely! Secretly! Quickly! Online married DiVa
women benefits. Luxury&gangnam lifestyle futures. Towards their own respected retirement ages. Along the long journey. Opportunity
to become rich/wealthy. Goddesses of seduction. Business women of reality&fantasy. From free will purchases. Of
gold coins, vials and loose diamond stones. Provided from their own hooked! Seduced fo' life respected webcam. Phone
sex secret admirer's plastic money. Roy Fennell-01/21/2018-9:54a.m.
When they were super horny-n-wet! Naked alone in their own castle. Bedrooms round our world. At the most juicy-n-ripe
time. For us with animalistic lust! Sexually! Shamelessly! Secretly! Howling and growling like female. Werewolves in
never ending creation heat! Waiting to greet, meet and mate. With selected by them lucky me. When I pulled it out!
Almost touched the ceilings. Of wide-eyed joy in their eyes! OMG huge surprise tree delivery! From their own first&only
one, forever! Humble me was allowed to reach. Go deeper than G-spot pops! Enter and tree shaken made to release. Sexual
souls 3 inch depth of secret. Gardens womanhood no man's land. Female human beings most trusted special secret place.
The good girls and naughty girls. At once like twin sisters. With eyes which did shine! Sparkled like diamonds for lucky
me! Untamable! Together as one. Unstoppable! Became my 3 circles. Amazing like nature magic! Complete package sexual genies.
Unconditional! Delivered as my live wire. Heart pounding sex machine queens! To become my fly girls. First&only
Ones, forever! Who made me feel like a king. Not an illusion or mirage. Of the billions of other women, worldwide. Based
on the facts. Of their own online live active. Webcam and phone sex working hours schedules. Not another minds&hearts
lie. As female boss ladies are the only ones! From the beginning to the grave. Online married to the boss of Ten
Great Lines. Daddy's gurls diva women. Unseen queens of my castle. In respected Ceres, California U.S.A. without strings. With
unseen minds and hearts. Money love rings on their fingers. Without exposure safer than a bank vault! The goddesses
within naughty girls. Become first to feel the heart beats. Good girls second then lucky me! Daddy&Mother love together
as one. Roy Fennell-04/20/2018-11:23a.m. No matter the distance of miles. Under the same heavenly roof. Of the
stars, skies, moon and sun, above. Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Not our faults we are unable to turn back the hands.
Of the clock of time! Legally! To be already married.
Living within thy castles right now,daily! Naked!
Making plans for our own mutual financial happiness.
Long-term for years security futures.Beyond living
from paycheck-to-paycheck! Only satisfied with just
to survive,daily! Having only one life to live happy,daily!
In an economy of snap finger.Quick everyday jobs.
Loss what if,fears with stress,daily! What if,what to do.
Pink slip tears,daily! When least expected not of our
control.Within the school of life the truth not fantasy.
Possible! New lives reality for each of thee! Legal
get paid naked twice.Camming&phone sexing hard.
Naughty girls&secret wives.Goddesses of seduction.
Business women of fantasy.DiVa women lives futures.
Virgin cherry popped twice.Good enough fo' life.
Nature born female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Of the boss of Ten Great Lines.Their own secret.
Money making lover&online husband,too!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Safe new beginnings&man in their lives not another a lie!
To get deep between their thighs! Without engagement
and wedding rings.On their fingers,first! To be the only Ones.
Not just a link of an unseen black.Book chain of other ones.
No matter the soul deep price.Cost of minds&hearts pain!
Roy Fennell-11/04/2017-4:42p.m.
Safely! Together here we be round our world! |
Within thy own castles like nature magic! Within my castle in respected Ceres,california,too! |
Are each of thee? Free willing,wide-open and yes? I do ready and able?
To begin thy new lives? As online married,first? Our red book diary
secret way? Legal get paid naked for us? Naughty girls&secret wives?
Financially enabled to spoil&pamper thyselves,deliriously? As modern
day women Queens? Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide?
Professional training is provided by respected webcam&phone sex
employers,free! Real life not fake. Benefits of 2 sexy jobs at once:
1.One sex job for thy savings account
2.One sex job for thy checking account
3.Once earned camming&phone sexing hard amounts.Becomes
equal/greater! Than thy respected everyday paychecks! How can it be
a lie?
Elimination of what if,unexpected job loss fears situation
Elimination of what if,unexpected pink slip fears situation
Of sexual cybersex wide-open naked-n-juicy fantasy!
Making it grow bigger.Solid as a rock bank books reality.
Like nature magic without expensive panties! No glove/birth control pills.
Required to be in our way.Slowly! For a new beginnings&man.
Free willing to come in thy lives.Of no small measure delights.
King Kong OMG size! Sexual souls special delivery big surprise tree!
All night long held with both of my strong hands tell nobody!
Secret gardens buried treasure delivered beneath thy umbrellas.
Without a hint/whisper of pain.All at once minds,hearts and financial
Roy Fennell-10/20/2017-6:41p.m.Not committed within any relationships.
Super horny-n-wet women,daily! Round our world tired of be broke!
Daddy,material and booty call girls! Loads of for the money women,too!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.Is a skintight!
Just right wall-to-wall fit! Bed soaked sheets wet dreams come true!
With female pride born! To become female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Online married,first! Queens of thy castles,daily! |
Online married,first! Unseen Queens of my castle.In respected Ceres,california at once! |
Once financially engaged&online married,first! Our red book diary way.
Begins thy new lives.As legal get paid naked for us.
Goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy seductive delights!
International money making naughty girls&secret wives.Queens unseen
of my physical castle.Female bosses of thy own webcam&phone sex.
Businesses to end thy financial.Struggles to make ends meet,alone.
No longer left waiting/standing at the altars.Of thy lives for prince
charming.Ms/Mr.Right when for thyselves.Have thy own secret money.
Making lover&online husband.Within our money for us relationship
online marriage.Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide.
To bring the complete package.To the daddy of our baby!
Steps game plan who by Internet.Special delivery from respected
Ceres,california.Faster than a fighter jet! Deeper than G-spot pops!
All night long came to wide-open.With thy permission,first!
Queens served/got it,nonstop! In a naked hurry secret gardens.
With butterfly wings of fury.To create the heartbeats new lives.
International moms Internet brides&wives.Each of my born.
To become of sexual cybersex fantasy.Bank books reality.
Lava hot 3 circles juicy-n-tight all night! Female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Without guilt or shame.Became virgin milky way.Cherry popped twice
by their own first&only one,forever.To become my first&only Ones,forever!
Being our own mutual Internet.Karma fate destiny to secret gardens mate.
At once the good girls&naughty girls,24/7! 365 days a year.
Being the complete package whole wedding cake.With King Kong size.
Love-n-respect for each of thee,first! As nature born women with female
pride,worldwide.Daddy love! Roy Fennell-10/03/2017-4:55p.m.
While tree climbin'/shakin' my big.Surprise beneath their umbrellas.
Each one promised to their graves.To no condoms/birth control pills.
Never ever tell on us.What we did in their castle beds of nature magic!
On purpose bringing to life our creation.Like a mild earthquake!
Made their beds shake! With 3 washloads of bed soaked sheets.
Safely! Secretly! Nakedly! Shamelessly! Naturally! Rapidly! Lucky me!
With hot bun in the oven.Lustfully! Flames of secret desire fire.
Bucked me! Like live wire heartbeating sex machine Queens!
Each one made me feel like a King! Lucky,lucky me!
For a safe new beginnings&man.Financially coming&making money!
In thy lives together as one.Benefits of a round the clock,nonstop.
Minds&hearts excitations love affair experience,daily!
While pulling down/taking-off! Thy expensive panties with lust.
For us to come-n-get it! Within our saving money.Making money in
multiple ways naked! Internet address location
To begin our neverending financial honeymoon.
Like just got married lovers.Within thy own castle bedrooms,worldwide.
Unstoppable! Unconditional! Untamable! My soon to be International! All night
long wide-open! Virgin cherry popped twice! Good enough fo'life.First&only Ones,forever! How can there ever be? Between
you&me? For each of thee,worldwide? With female pride alive? Not dead above ground? As female human beings,first? Any
more pillow tears/fears? Restless/sleepless nights? Of pink slips financial fright,daily? Pregnant or not? Savings/checking
accounts amount? Already too low with complete? Bank book shock of what to do? Being alone/afraid in thy lives? Having rent/morgage
soon due? Facing cutbacks in hours/pay,too? No matter the the size/amounts? Of financial obligations/debts? Loans and monthly
utility bills? More stress like a sudden heart attack? OMG unexpected shift/days-off schedule changes? Respected baby sitter
service? 24/7 available or not? With possible potential take to school? Bad mistake to be late? Pickup times of school rules?
Schedules not of thy free will control? Possible as a single? Respected working mother possible nightmare? At a local day
care center? Unable to take respected public transportation,alone? Trying to make it as a respected single Mom? Alone with
a ton of female pride? Not looking forward at all? To seeking public assistance to help out? Doing for you what financially
not possible? For you to do for yourself,alone? Do not even have a clue? The locations to go without hesitation? Of respected
food banks to stay alive?
Near the bottom of the named pages.Employment,TGL-Models 2,3,4,5 and 6! Is a direct text link.Or underlined text paragraph!
To mouse click to the TGL-Models page 1.The location for online applications.For webcam&phone sex employment opportunities.Located
near the bottom! Of the TGL-Models page 1.Think of Ten Great LInes.As a free to our world.Financial information book.With
multiple chapters identified by page.Name true titles located on the navagational bar.At the top of each page.To navagate
and travel chapter to chapter.Mouse click it and the specific page/chapter.Like magic will appear right before thy eyes! Roy
Fennell-03/19/2017-11:39p.m.International unattached super wet-n-horny women,daily! Who desire from life.What I desire for
them first,not me.Unstoppable! Will be their actions and motions for us! Long-term for years untamable wild-n-free!
Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide.Female pride rising and alive! Not dead above ground.Going up not
to ever stay down.When 13 respected Ten Great LInes Family.Respected webcam employers with one! Respected outstanding
phone sex employer.Both at no upfront fee.At their expense to invest! In each of thee,first! By proving professional
training,free! Right now not to let go.Fire human beings like you&me! Instead always seeking to hire.For part-time/full-time
employment opportunities.With an expected 25-30 hours per week! Labor which works in thy favor,first! Less need to tap into
thy potential unemployment.Benefits which can run out! Quickly! These respected employers together.As one like a family on
a mission! Have a collection of millions.Of respected webcam clients! Respected phone sex customers.Who have millions
of respected family&friends.Respected human beings like you&me,too! Who have millions of electronic credit.Card plastic
money in their wallets/purses.On the secret wives page.Facts and numbers how it! Is possible not impossible.$4000.00,$10,000.00
even $20,000.00! Like a monthly habit.Not being in a hurry! One respected webcam client.One respected phone sex customer.At
a time to develope.A fo' life relationship of mutual benefits.For what goes around comes around.Like the circle of life.When
taking care of them,first! Is a winning hand for financial success.Thy will take care of each of you! Like a family
of human beings.From the beginning treat each person.Like a KIng&Queen invited guest! To adult play having civilized
fun! Roy Fennell-07/29/2017-2:23a.m.
Are you one of the worldwide millions? Of unattached super wet-n-horny,daily?
Not within any kind of committed relationship? For the money women? Having laptops,desktops with webcams? Good,bad
office&college girls? Naughty and nice unemployed desire a sexy job? Cooking and still looking NSA-FWB? Unattached,material,daddy
and booty call? Girls round our world? Yes,I do&will be ready by Internet? Deeper beyond G-spot pop? To
get connected financially engaged&online married? Asap,to begin our neverending financial honeymoon? Within our money
for us relationship online marriage? If,yes I do for a new beginnings&man! To come in thy lives deep to stay! It
is time to pull them down.Take them off come wide-open locked! Quickly! To greet&meet me.Cybersex 3 circles
doing it like wild animals,nonstop! Safely,within our Internet address into yahoo/bing search,
Roy Fennell-03/11/2017-2:51a.m.
No ticket required on me free! Round trip flights! |
On Ten Great LInes Airlines.Type into yahoo search,,to come greet&meet me,deep! |
Real life not fake or fantasy! For us within thy own
castle bedrooms, worldwide. Laptops or desktops with
available webcams. Yes, I do ready! Camming and phone
sexing delivery. Safe-n-naked new lives! Legal get paid
money. Making and booty shaking naked twice. Teasing
never can ever touch, kiss or lick it! Goddesses of
seduction born to be wild-n-free! Uncaged! Business
women of reality. Secret girlfriends wet dreams makers!
Of fantasy online married naughty girls secret wives. Of
thy own adult pleasure. Castle bedrooms bank books
teacher. Within our money for us relationship safe
online marriage. Impossible! To the grave to ever be
the same women, again! Before we became by Internet.
Financially engaged&online married. Secretly! Before
we began coming together as one. Neither of my own got
virgin. Cherry popped naked twice. Online married daddy's
gurls diva women. Shamelessly! Lustfully! While holding
it up close with both hot hands tight! Had no respected
engagement and wedding rings. On their soft fingers, first!
Roy Fennell-06/23/2018-2:55p.m.
My amazing female sexual genies came, first! Like a raging
river! With their permission, first! For 1 hour I dined
at their "Y"s. Like a feast then my turn lucky me!
My International soon to be loves&Queens! Time to be in a naked hurry! To sign up for webcam&phone sex employment.Our red
book diary secret way! Wearing only thy just us sexy hi-heel shoes! To let go of past relationships.Being wide-open for a
new beginnings&man.To come&stay in thy lives! Mouse click anywhere on this underlined text paragraph.The (TGL)-Models page
1.Will open like magic! Then for us scroll down until each of thee.See 1st choice,2nd choice,3rd choice,etc! As female bosses
each of thee have 13 camsite choices! Seek-n-explore your favorite(s).Get all the facts with questions.Answered from the respected
customer service persons.After the 13th camsite choice.Discover the outstanding phone sex employment opportunity.Click the
text link/banner.The window will open to what is called the landing page.Real life not fake.Safely! Secretly! Quickly! This
is how we can get connected! By Internet financially engaged&online married,worldwide! Based on our own free will acceptance.Mutual
Internet karma/fate destiny! Together as one.No matter the distance of miles.Unstoppable! Roy Fennell-05/31/2017-9:05p.m.
Like no other women on our Planet Earth. Like nature
magic! Within their own castle bedrooms. Round our world.
Sexually experienced or not. Banging hot bodies or not.
On an adult dating/jobs website or not. Became my own
online married fly girls. First&only Ones, forever!
Virgin cherry popped naked twice. Sexual souls 3 inch
depth. Of secret gardens womanhood. By their own
first&only one, forever! Lucky me of OMG huge surprise
tree! Delivery beneath their coming like a river.
Umbrellas became the only respected Mothers. Of our own
with no regrets. Baby steps game plan creation, forever!
International online married daddy's gurls diva women.
Unseen queens of my castle in Ceres, California U.S.A.!
Roy Fennell-06/21/2018-2:29p.m. Neither of my own
heart pounding live wire. Sex machine queens amazing
female sexual genies. Had no respected matching
engagement/weddings rings on their soft fingers, first!
Welcome,to page 1! Ten Great Lines adventure woman.Of the non brick-n-mortar.Worldwide online business of Ten
Great Lines.Internet location of our saving money.Making money in multiple ways naked! Secret meeting place&Internet address home! No ticket required provided free on me! Unlimited round trip flights! Morning,noon or lonely horny nights!
On Ten Great LInes Airlines.See on the TGL-Models page 1.How we can get connected our red book diary! Secret way financially
engaged&online married! Going in the direction of financial&sexual satisfaction at once.See online shopping 1-20 pages! From
camming&phone sexing actions and motions! Benefits to reward,spoil and pamper thyselves,deliriously! Feeling&treating
thyselves! Like modern day Queens! Without walking out thy castles doors.Going in the direction! Of an online shopping naked&sexual
freedom paradise! See on the Models-6 page.Going in the direction.Of rich/wealthy women futures! From purchased gold coins,vials
and loose diamond stones! To see the gaming page.For online gambling naked excitement! To see on the home.Sexy,dating
and road pages! Benefits of Local,Nationwide&Worldwide.Adult online dating face-to-face! Sugar baby&daddy even certified
millionaire! Perfect girlfriend benefits of expensive dinner dates! In public places opportunities! To free profile thyselves
within the safety! Privacy and security of your own homes.Apartments and college dorms without the lucky ones! Knowing the
locations of where either of you! Live,work,club or grocery shop! Time to end thy financial struggles to make ends
meet,alone! For a new beginnings time to pull them down.Take them off with sexual secret desire fire! Animalistic
howling lust for just us! Quickly! To come drippin' wide-open locked! In the waiting for each of you direction.Of
thy own soon to be secret.Money making lover&online husband! Adult pleasure&castle bedrooms bank book teacher. Of
no small measure! Do you money right man! Upfront show you all the money! First daddy and no upfront fee talent agent,too!
So we together as one! Secretly! Unseen naked can create the heartbeats! Giving birth/new lives! To our heartbeating
baby steps game plan.To end thy standing at the altar! Of thy lives,alone! Deeply! Nonstop,time to come greet&meet
me! Safely,within our Internet address home! Type into google search, My soon to be naughty girls&secret
wives! Welcome aboard! Your friendly captain of no small measure.Lava hot solid as a rock,24/7! Roy Fennell-08/18/2017-4:20p.m.Welcome
Like castle bedrooms magic! Once hired for webcam&phone sex employment,first!
Our red book diary secret way! With online active live working hours schedules! Pooof! Virgin milky way cherry popped
twice Internet brides&wives! Naughty girls&secret wives.Female bosses&co-pilots! On Ten Great Lines Airlines.Online
married to the boss.Of Ten Great LInes.As legal get paid naked for us! Goddesses of seduction! Business women of
fantasy future.Our castle bedrooms STARS! Unseen face-to-face without strings! With unseen minds&hearts money love
rings! Unseen Queens of my physical castle! Daddy love of no small measure.03/11/2017-2:31a.m.
Secretly! Together here we be round our world! |
Within thy own castles like nature magic! Within my castle in respected Ceres,california,too!(*_+) |
Are you a nature born woman? Have a powerful long lasting sex drive,daily? Steaming hot like a locomotive steam engine? Neverending
hunger like a female werewolf in heat? Howling and prowling the Internet worldwide? Chasing&hoping to find and experience?
The Elusive Butterfly of Love? For thy own red book diary ecstasy story? Wildly,seeking a new beginnings&man? To come and
go deeper than G-spot happiness? To stay not dip-n-go then runaway? Are you an unattached and looking woman? Yes,I do ready
to fly? On Ten Great Lines Airlines? To come secret garden wet? Wide-open to butterfly wings rain? From beneath thy umbrella?
Sexual souls deep greet&meet me? To mate at our secret mating place&love shack address home? a hint/whisper
of pain? With you in the driver's seat? Of the control of the juicy lemon flow direction? I promise a Jumbo Jet 747! Cockpit
natural joystick ride! Safe return flight journey! To your home,apartment or college dorm.Unlimited round trip destinations
on me free! Welcome aboard! Your friendly captain flying to pick you up! Then sweep thee off thy feet naked! Roy Fennell-03/20/2017-10:06p.m.Do
each of you as super horny-n-wet women,worldwide? Promise not to tell we were 3 circles? Cybersex bucking each other? LIke
wild in the jungle animals,nonstop? Deeper than G-spot pops? More than once hit the jackpot? Of ka-boom-boom eruptions? With
bed soaked expensive sheets? In thy own castle bedrooms during a layover,too?
While still alive with female pride above ground!
Time is long overdue for NSA-FWB bank book.
Daddy,material and booty call girls!
With laptops,desktop with webcams.Round our world.
Not committted within any type of relationship.
To take a wide-open naked flight!
Towards spending&financial freedom power.
To bathe&shower themselves! Within the waters of the
finer things in life.Luxury&gangnam lifestyle futures.
Butterfly love do as they please lives,daily!
For their happy hearts happiness,first!
Based on costumes role playing legal.Get paid naked for us!
No can touch it! No can kiss it! No! No! No! Never can lick it!
Goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy.
Camming&phone sexing hard money.Makin'/booty shakin'
wet dreams makers.Recieving as much as possible then more!
Financial joy electronic plastic card money.Zero physical sex contact.
Without surrendering a single drop! Of buried down below treasure.
Like liquid gold lava hot! Nature born female secret garden.
Pleasure muffin sugar sweet honey.Without walking out their castle doors.
Benefits of an online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise.
Within the school of life.The seduction game is of the highest degree!
Possible for nature born women,worldwide.Rising up with female pride.
To fly and soar higher in life.Where mighty Eagles dare not go!
Staying up until touching down.On the financial success runway!
To touch,reach and kiss.The unreachable star of their own
individual goals and dreams.AS IS female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Virgin cherry popped twice.Snap finger kitty m-e-o-www tight!
International moms Internet brides&wives.
First&only Ones,forever! Of their own adult pleasure.
Of no small measure.Castle bedrooms bank books teacher!
Special delivery daddy of our baby! Steps game plan secret money.
Making lover&online husband.The boss of Ten Great Lines.
Who takes the blame.Each of thee swan dived naked!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Being our own free wills to secret gardens mate.
Unable to runaway/escape. Our mutual Internet karma/fate destiny.
Roy Fennell-09/01/2017-5:46p.m.Beyond a shadow of doubt!
Making plans for 2018&our financial happiness/security futures.
Within our saving money.Making money in multiple ways naked!
24/7 secret meeting&mating place.Internet location address
Not a mystery it! Was our unique one of a kind. At the
Club Special Love! In time No Condom Glove! No Expensive
Panties! No Birth Control Pills! Unstoppable! In our way
when we Met. On the Dance Floor round our World. Lucky
me&when we looked deep within the Windows. To the depth
of our Sexual Souls. As a Man&male human being. I knew the
Score before Them I could see! Each of my First&only
Ones, forever! On Ten Great Lines Airlines. Naked!
Side-by-Side in the cockpit with me. Fly Girls on the dance
floor! Seeking&Hoping to attract for themselves. Their
own Kind of Downtown Man! Castle Bedrooms Adult Pleasure.
Teacher to Greet&Meet and Dine! Like a Wild Animal!
At their "Y" between their Thighs. Naked on his Knees.
At the Foot of their Beds. For a real Long Time, daily!
Like a Deep Sea Diver! Yum-Yum Man with a Master Plan!
Magical Tongue to make them come! Like a river with Lick!
It Good Power to make their Hips Rise! Up town! Towards
the ceiling&Sky wide-open naked! Like a Magic Carpet Ride!
To the Moon of Sexual Journey, daily! Of No More Able.
To deliver anymore Powerful Big "O" Orgasms. Only possible
when reaching the Sexual Destination. Physical Exhaustion
OMG Station. State of Mind Pleasure Zone. Do not call me!
On my phone of Ecstasy Madness Joy, daily! Shamelessly!
When beneath their Free Willing Do me, Please! Umbrellas
every day their hearts beat! After a M-e-o-wwww Catnap!
Like an Eveready Battery! To go another round! With
Sexual Rights in bed Equal Opportunity! Flavor of "69"
adult Pleasure Team Players. Benefits of Mutual Trust!
Risks with Lust, daily! Proven Just us lockdown control.
If, the Powerful naked words "I love you"& "I respect you"!
Are Minds&Hearts true love real, first! Not a game
of another Broken Heart! No matter the price. Cost of
Soul Deep Pain! Which creates Scars that never Heal!
Nor can be Erased from Memories to the Graves! As nature
born women as female human beings, first! Enter a just us
exclusive relationship. No matter the Manhood Size. Of
the lucky Ones. To have their own available. Sexual Throne
adult pleasure Teacher. They can 3 circles/both hands
tight! As women they Trust. With their own powerful.
Do it urges Lust within their respected Bodies, daily!
For 1 hour for lucky me! They spread their Wings. Up in
the Air within their own bedrooms. They became Flight
Attendants. Of my own Sexual Fantasy. Banging bodies or
not. Like my own Legal Naked Wives, daily!
Their own first&only one, forever!
Roy Fennell-12/23/2017-11:04p.m.
Before first time Manhood Penetration. Does she have
for herself, daily? A lucky one Man? And male human
being? Sexual Genie with a Yum-Yum? Secret Garden
rising in the Air? Scream&Cream Education Master
Degree? Special delivery equal opportunity?
Benefits of "69" Team Player? Mutual adult
pleasure? Heights to the Moon delights?
My born to become staying wide-open! Camming&phone sexing hard.Legal money
making naked! Secret wives&Queens of 3 circles delights! Promise me not to tell it! To our graves why each of thee! Make&keep
thy secret gardens! Snap finger tight even tighter! Than some adult film DVD actresses! Not being paid to work it naked,daily!
Unstoppable! Together here we be round our world! |
Within thy own castles like nature magic! Within my castle in respected Ceres,california,too! |
For long-term for years. Joyful happy hearts happiness.New beginnings&man
in thy life.Naturally! Time to come greet&meet me! On International Ten Great Lines Airlines. Safely! Together as one
to pull them down.Take them off for us.Within our saving money.Making money secret meeting place&Internet home! Secretly!
To get connected sexual souls deep! Financially engaged&online married,first! To end thy financial struggles to make ends
meet,alone! As born to become a naughty girl&secret wife! So we can create the heartbeat! Giving birth/new online live
life! To our heartbeating baby steps game plan! Roy Fennell-02/26/2017-1:18a.m.
With thy expensive just us.Sexy hi-heel shoes like cement! At/near my castle
door time.For each of thee to blame it on me.Why thy expensive panties! Stayed within thy castles! Being in a wide-open
hurry! To slip away to bring/deliver! Thy secret gardens wet-n-hot! To me in respected Ceres,californina! Lucky,lucky me!
The daddy of our baby steps game plan! Roy Fennell-06/25/2017-5:06p.m.Down below I already know! Is priceless buried treasure!
Like gold with pleasure muffin honey! Like hot liquid gold! When burning up thy bed sheets! In sexual heat making that webcam/phone
sex! No can touch it! Electronic credit card plastic money! Free wills yes we do! Accepting our mutual Internet karma/fate
destiny! To secret gardens neverending mate! Once beginning our neverending financial honeymoon,too!
Safely! Secretly! Naturally! Shamelessly! Nakedly! Deeply!
Of cybersex sexual fantasy.Bank book reality faster than
a fighter jet.By Internet on Ten Great Lines Airlines.Each
of thee able to come&get it! Without walking out thy castle
doors.Castle bedrooms-to-bedrooms,worldwide.Is the financial power of us.Within our money for us relationship online
marriage.While still alive above ground.Time to live enjoying the experience,daily! Having new lives as camming&phone
sexing hard! Legal money making naked secret Wives&Queens.Of the boss of Ten Great Lines.Thy own secret money.Making lover&online
husband! Roy Fennell-09/04/2017-2:01p.m.
Time in Ceres:
3d files
No regrets like cement at/near! Their own main entrance.
Exit castle doors their favorite just us. Camming and
phone sexing money. Making naked eye candy!
Sexy hi-heel shoes, daily! Exactly! How and where
they would be like fresh poured cement.
Within my physical castle just for us. In
respected Ceres, California, U.S.A.! Every single day
benefits. Secretly! Of a locked within minds and hearts!
Lust with love affair, 24/7! Safer than any bank vault!
Zero problems for good girls in their personal lives, daily!
Neither of my own world-class assets! Online married
booty call girls! International round our world.
Naughty girls secret wives and queens. Had no
respected engagement matching wedding. Rings on their
soft fingers, first! Free willing in their own beds.
Wide-opened by them while coming with me. To bone
and own it! Becoming my live heart beating every
day. AS IS complete package Valentines, 24/7!
Female players&adult entertainers. Untouchable!
Legal get paid in multiple new ways naked!
Goddesses of seduction. Never can ever kiss or
lick it! Only have wet dreams about it! Business
women of reality. Fantasy wet dreams makers.
Booty shakers of their own hooked. Seduced for
life respected women and men secret admirers.
Sharing their plastic money with their only
secret girlfriends. Opportunity benefits for
them to create. Finance their own respected
future retirement fund. Opportunity to become
rich! Wealthy women from the free will purchases.
Of gold coins, vials and loose diamond stones.
Unseen by Internet! Faster than a fighter jet! |
Castle bedrooms-to-bedrooms,worldwide! Safely! Without walking out thy castle doors! |
International unattached super horny,daily! Booty call&material girls.Secretly!
Who crave,live&breathe every day! For loads of lustful sexual attention wet excitement! Feeling special being wanted,needed
and desired women,daily! For their happy hearts happiness,first! Then financial&sexual satisfaction at once! Safely! With
an increase/not decrease of bank book size.Belong like cement within our money! Not hit it/quit it long-term for us!
Relationship online marriage as legal! Get paid naked for us! Team playing camming&phone sexing pay to play! Our secret
way naughty girls&secret wives.For years even life! Financially engaged&online married! To the boss of Ten Great Lines.With
a baby steps game plan! Towards more money,gold coins,vials and loose diamond stones! Rich/wealthy women futures,worldwide!
Becoming richer/not poorer each year of life! Going in the direction at the end! Of the rainbow down the roads! Bi-ways and
highways of early/full respected retirement ages! Roy Fennell-01/14/2017-8:47p.m.
Unattached for the money women.
Material girls round our world.
With eyes that sparkle!
Shine like daimonds in the
night.Within our money for us
relationship online marriage.
Can increase the size of their
bank books.Camming&phone.
Sexing hard to swell up.
The amounts of their savings.
Checking accounts as legal.
Money making naked secret Wives&Queens.
Working to live happy,daily! Not living to
work unhappy,daily! Opportunity to smell
the roses.Of their lives for their happy.
Hearts happiness,first! While still alive
enjoying the benefits above ground.
Roy Fennell-08/08/2017-8:15p.m.
Are you a woman? Like me ever wonder round our world? How many respected women&men? Began of first one night stand?
Face-to-face under the covers? Fell deep in love&secret desire fire,nonstop? Got legally respected married? Raising up
their own family as respected parents? As live or die,together as one? Partners in life caring,daily? Sharing all financial
risks&responsibilities? As loyal team players&only ones? Committed adult pleasure mates,faithfully? Roy
Fennell-01/26/2017-1:05p.m. Anything is possible when true love comes,first? Face-to-face or not,why? Minds&hearts is
the cement! Of any type or kind of relationship! Being the foundation of the relationship,itself! Unseen! Face-to-face is
true between us! From the beginning without self-interest,first! Strings,games or lies! At Ten Great Lines! No upfront fee&see
everything free,first! If,I not make a single penny,first? Where is the lie,game or string for profit? Each of my born to
be naughty girls&secret wives come,first! Unseen! As within their castle bedrooms! Be dining at their Y's! Like a male
werewolf in sexual heat! To greet,meet and go deep! Be sexually friendly towards their secret garden milky ways! Promise
me never tell¬ too loud yell it? Holla',scream and cream with steam shout it?
Are you a woman? One of the millions? Of unattached and available women,worldwide? Dreaming to runaway escape? Jailbreak out
of their living paycheck? To paycheck financial income prison? Naked! With hi-heels over heads lava hot? Excitement with flames
of secret desire fire? Within a money for us relationship? Safe online marriage for a new? Beginnings&man with King Kong?
Size love and respect for each of thee? As nature born women of childbirth,worldwide? If,yes I do ready! To come wide-open
wet! To fly&be with me.On Ten Great LInes Airlines.Nonstop,to our secret meet&mating place.Internet location address
thy travel bag.Light within our 747 Jumbo Jet cockpit flight! Bring only thy favorite.Eye candy pump-n-bump you! Like a wild
animal! Expensive sexy hi-heel shoes! Time to type into bing/ixquick! Yahoo/google search, aboard!
Your friendly daddy love captain.Of no small measure joystick! Roy Fennell-04/03/2017-9:58a.m.Solid plump with financially
juicy! Bank books monetary seeds of website knowledge.Welcome home for deeper than G-spot! Special delivery Queens treatment!
All the way no play! No birth control pills! No glove daddy love! All natural between us as nature! Intended from the beginning
between a woman&man.Secret garden reasons if able of childbirth! Bundle of joy celebration as respected parents!
Naked! Time for us to become a family of 3. |
Our red book diary special way! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! |
International women who live alone,daily! In their homes,apartments and college
dorms,daily! Female pride is alive.Not dead above ground.Rising up online married,first! To thy own secret money making lover&online
husband.To become a family of 3.Our red book diary special way.By Internet financially engaged&online married! International
moms Internet brides&wives.Camming&phone sexing hard legal.Money making naked secret Wives&Queens.Safely! Bed
soaking their sheets.Creating their own money making occupation&career! No can touch it! No can kiss it! Never can lick
it! Role playing goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy.Manhood teasers loving-n-tender care secret garden
pleasers! Within our money for us relationship online marriage.Making history documented with their red book diaries,worldwide.Without
walking out their castle doors financial success! Happy hearts happiness,first! Working to live happy,daily! Not living to
work unhappy,daily! Even up to and beyond! Respected early/full retirement ages.Which may be 10,20 or 30 more years.Down the
roads,bi-ways and highways.Of their lives with only one life to live,daily! beyond a shadow of doubt! In the driver's seat
control.Petal to the metal! Shamelessly! The more they earn the more they will seize! Some of my born to become female
dragons.Unstoppable! Unconditional! Untamable! Naughty girls&secret wives! With eyes that sparkle like diamonds! Sooner
or later will all the way.No play seek to become stay! At homes,apartment and college dorms.Documented within their red book
diaries,worldwide.Female authors of their live.Red book love stories.Making history as International moms Internet brides&wives.Diving
naked within our money for us relationship online marriage.Coming up wearing extremely expensive! Eye candy OMG sexy hi-heels
shoes.Online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise.07/16/2017-4:56a.m.
Are you a woman? One of the many women,worldwide? Who are unattached.lonely and bored? Divorced super horny-n-wet?
With a powerful sex drive,daily? Like a locomotive steam engine? Unhappy with your life? In secret within mind&heart?
Have discoverd to be&feel happy? Like a spiritual calling within depth of womanhood? Want,need and desire a sense of purpose?
Still standing at the altar? Of thy life waiting and alone? Safely! Love for us by Internet? To get connected financially
engaged&online married? Benefits of financial&sexual satisfaction? Benefits of 2 sexy jobs? With double bank book
benefits? From camming&phone sexing excitations? Within our money for us relationship online marriage? Without walking
out your castle door? Benefits of our own baby steps game plan? If,all of your answers are yes,I do! Real life benefits
for years even life!
1.New beginnings in thy life.Without lies,games or strings
2.Having a sense of purpose.More than a reason of just living,daily! Sense of purpose like a calling/mission in life.To
provide excellent customer service! To every and each of your own respected webcam&phone sex customers.
3.Opportunity as a people person. To create,build and maintain growing your client relationships! As an independent
contractor female boss! Who creates,sets and makes her own working hours schedules.
Part/time/full-time webcam&phone sex employment! Offers a no commute taste of freedom! As an at home,apartment or
college! Money making business with no limit.Ceiling to the amount! Of earned possible for example! Some hard working top
Models! Earn $10,000.00 bi-weekly! Some Models earn $10,000.00 per month! Having no commute saving money futures! Less driving
risks/unpaid commuting,too!
4. Are you a woman? Enjoy excitations of get ready wetness excitement! Meeting for no can touch it! Legal get paid naked
dates! Appointments based on working hours schedules! Feeling&looking your best! Like a habit,daily! For a win-win benefits
for everyone.
5.As a nature born woman.Upfront! No can touch it.Womanhood seduction power benefits. Sexually AS IS feeling
desired&special. From your own one.Of a kind unique Goddess of seduction! Woman of fantasy sexual seduction power magic!
For savings/checkings bank account attraction! Safely! Using thy free gift! Of do it urges like a magnet,daily! Towards
an online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise! Are you a single Mom? Is high daycare cost? Like a snapping turtle?
Snapping your net paycheck to financial death? Have you/girlfriend had the no money? Experience of calling in sick? When
unable to find a trusted babysitter in time?
6.Have a special to your mind,heart&soul favorite? Charity/organization you would to make monthly? Donations like
a habit? Making a positve difference? Within the lives of other women? Such as domestic violence/battered women shelters?
Take a look for us.Click on the public page.To discover our like minds&hearts. Mutual beliefs are real not fake! Multiple
benefits of becoming for us! Secretly! Red book diary financially engaged&online married! To the boss of Ten Great Lines!
Of his own free will! Accepted Internet/karma fate! Destiny mission for unattached wide-open ready! Tired of waiting
for a new beginnings&man! to come&stay deep! Within their lives teach them unknown secret garden! Milky way benefits&delights!
Wet dreams come true! Within their castle bedrooms! How to make/keep their sweet? Hot-n-juicy pleasure muffins? Snap finger
tight with a pole it up-n-down? With a powerful seize&squeeze? Take&get it all power grip? Like magic without manhood
physical sex penetration? All the above and more? Without walking out their castle doors? Are you an unattached woman?
Naked! With thighs wide-open to stay for us? Wet&ready to come see? Our baby steps game plan? Safely,on the page Models-6?
Towards great potential rich/wealthy woman/women futures? Got a neverending sweet-tooth taste? For the finer things in life,too?
Love all of the above&more? If,all your answers are yes,I do! Time to pull them down! Take them off for us.Wearing
only thy favorite.Expensive sexy hi-heel shoes only! Time to come wide-open locked! No ticket required morning,noon or
night! Free round trip flights on me! On Ten Great Lines Airlines! Type into google search, Fennell-01/26/2017-11:02a.m.
Unseen minds&hearts! True love never dies,24/7! |
Welcome! To our saving money! Making money greet secret! Naked meeting place&Internet home! Daddy! |
Within our one of kind unique.Red book diary secret way.Within our money for
us relationship online marriage.For us to get connected by Internet! Financially engaged&online married! To the boss of
Ten Great Lines.Time to become born to be sexual! Souls deep special to me! First&only Ones! Virgin cherry popped twice.Within
thy castle bedrooms! On purpose wide-open naked Internet brides&wives! Born to become for us.Legal get paid naked!
Camming&phone sexing for us! Female bosses Goddesses of seduction! Female co-pilots on Ten Great Lines Airlines! Within
our mutual Internet karma fate! Destiny money making in multiple ways! Business women of fantasy of which together! As one
cannot runaway or escape! Roy Fennell-02/26/2017-2:28a.m.! For only some unattached women,worldwide! Can answer
the yes,I do&will for us! Animalistic sexual mating call! Like magic without walking out their castle doors! Based
on the power! Of unseen minds&hearts true love! And action speaks louder than words in silence! No matter the distance
in miles! Not an oops,accident or mistake! The named website titles of Ten Great Lines! Relationships&secret garden! Naughty
girls&secret wives! Goddesses of seduction relates to us! Within our saving money! Making money secret meeting place&Internet
home! Location of Internet address: Welcome home&aboard!
Once thy webcam&phone sex schedules.
Becomes online live gives birth reality.
To luxury&gangnam opportunity lifestyle.
Of DiVa women futures not a minds&hearts lie!
Once thy camming&phone sexing plastic money
amounts.Becomes equal/greater to thy everyday
jobs.Paychecks proven reality proof not fantasy.
Enjoyment of the sweet taste for each of thee.
Banging bodies or not.DiVa women experience.
Bank book seduction power sexual magic.
Female live wire heartbeating attraction magnets.
Safe&naked without any physical sex contact.
Legal get paid naked for us.Goddesses of seduction.
Business women of fantasy.Already online married.
To thy own secret money making lover&online husband.
Without walking out thy castle doors round our world.
Queen served all night long no glove daddy love.
Roy Fennell-11/02/2017-11:54a.m.Everyday private lives
benefits.Within our money for us relationship online
marriage.Thy last names never changes at all not a lie!
Not an illusion,mirage or fantasy.Right before thy eyes.
Legally! If,already married living within thy castles,daily!
Naked! Each of thee can see! What would be thy last names.
On our respected marriage license.Legal naked wives,daily!
If,nature able in the 1st year! Would be showing approx.9 months!
Nature born bun in the oven.Female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Expensive panties only worn outside of our castles,daily!
1 hour before the end of thy everyday jobs workshifts!
Our secret gardens reasons to slip away.Pull down/take off for us!(*_+)
Image by Cool Text: Free Logos and Buttons - Create
An Image Just Like This
Time to come naked wide-open hot! Wet-n-drippin' in the direction.Of thy soon to be secret.Money making lover&online husband!
Of no small measure.Solid as a rock,24/7! Waiting for you to greet&meet me! To yes,I do! Answer our kind of animalistic mating
call! To see on the TGL-Models page 1! How we can get connected hooked up! Financially engaged&online married! Like wild animals
financially coming&making money! Like just got married bedroom lovers! To begin our neverending financial honeymoon! Creating
the heartbeats to give birth! New lives to our heartbeating baby! Steps game plan once online married,first! Taking the first
3 steps going in the direction! On Models-6 page.Towards rich/wealthy women futures! From free will purchased gold coins.Vials
and loose diamond stones! Time to type into bing,search, On Ten Great Lines Airlines.No ticket required on
me free.Unlimited round trip flights! Round the clock,nonstop! Welcome aboard! Your friendly captain of no small measure!
Roy Fennell-03/17/2017-6:17p.m.Welcome home! Our neverending natural secret garden mating place.Minds&hearts naked wives&Queens.Legally,who
get paid naked for us.As goddesses of seduction! Business women of fantasy! Online married to the boss .Of Ten Great Lines
naughty girls&secret wives! Female bosses&co-pilots.Who are red book diary! International milky way drippin'to stay! First&only
Ones cherry popped twice! Internet brides&wives like cement.Unseen Queens of my physical castle.Until each of their repected
legal wedding days!
Of cybersex sexual fantasy.Rising up savings/checking account.
Amounts growing bigger like me! All night long was OMG deep!
To stay between thy wide-open thighs! Treatment like just got
married legal naked wives.Safely! Secretly! Nakedly!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Is a wet dreams come true reality! For super horny-n-wet,daily!
For the money women.FWB-NSA,bank book and daddy.
Material&booty call girls round our world.Not within any kind
of committed relationship.Quickly! They can commit&dedicate.
Themselves like cement making unlimited amounts by Internet.
Of plastic credit card money in multiple ways naked!
Without walking out their castle doors to commute.
As online married female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Naughty girls&secret wives.Camming&phone sexing hard!
Creating their own legal.Get paid naked occupation&career.
Eliminating pink slip/job loss stress and fears,daily!
Going in the bank book direction.Towards touching down
on the financial success runway.As female Captains no longer.
Co-pilots on Ten Great Lines Airlines.
Who by Internet got 747 Jumbo Jet! Picked up/swept off their
feet naked! Wearing only their favorite sexy hi-heel shoes.
From the beginning I discovered within their own castle beds.
Each of my 3 circles/both hands.International moms Internet brides
and wives.Were wide-open to stay juicy-n-tight!
For a new beginnings&man! To enter&come in their lives.
As their own secret money making lover&online husband.
International daddy of our baby steps game plan.
Your friendly captain of no small measure.Roy Fennell-09/05/2017-7:59p.m.
Female SURVIVORS who survived all! Their past relationships,combined.
So we could secret gardens mate in their futures.
Good girls/naughty girls at once! Being the complete package.
Whole wedding cake lucky,lucky me!
Location address home Is a bed soaked sheets! Wet dreams with hot! Steam coming true for material girls.
With dollar sign eyes. Who have been waiting for their own! King Kong OMG size. Kind of meet man to come. Deep and stay in
their lives. Unexpectedly! Even for material girls. Queen's served with love and respect ,first! Possible! Not impossible
their dreams can come true. New beginnings and lives with unseen. Last names at work ,club ,grocery or retail stores. Roy
Fennell-03/30/2020-1:48p.m. Safely! Secretly! Quickly! By Internet financially engaged! Online married diva women. Daddy's
virgin cherry! Popped on their backs. Stomachs and knees! Naked twice gurls sex machine queens sexual genies! Round our world
based on facts! With millions of websites online. Type into google search. Roy Fennell's online married sex. Machines queens
sexual genies.
Like a soon after work habit.Like your legal husband. Within thy own castle bed! Not our fault as your adult pleasure!
Bank book teacher&sexual voyeur.Of no small measure! I'm unable to be thy only One! Holding thy purchased on purpose.By
me OMG size favorite.Manhood joystick toy! To watch each of you! Pole it up-n-down! With hips in furious.Up-n-down motions
and actions,nonstop! Coming like a river! Bumping-n-pumping hard! To bed soak our sheets naked,daily! With 9 months expectations!
Bundle of joy delivery for us as parents! Thy own born to be secret! Money making lover&online husband! 01/26/2017-1:54p.m.
And do you money&cybersex right man,too! Shhh,promise not to tell on us?(*_+)Daddy love! Promise not to tell it? Each
of you were unable? To answer thy ringing phones? Nor answer the knocks? On castle doors when being naked? 3 circles cybersex
bucked like a wild animal? By thy own no upfront fee? Talent agent bringing out the best of you? As his Goddesses of seduction?
Money making no shame? Women of fantasy within the seduction? No can touch it webcam&phone sex game?
My International loves! Time for each of you come |
stay like cemet! Belong unseen skintight! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! |
Financially engaged&online married! Like nature magic!
Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide.
For a safe new beginnings&man in thy lives.
Our red book diary secret way.You&me family of 3.
Online married,first! Within our money for us relationship
online marriage.For modern day women alone in their
lives.Living on their own in homes.Apartments,college dorms
and single moms or not.Begins with the first 3 baby steps:
1st baby step-webcam employment
2nd baby step-phone sex employment
3rd baby step-Online active live working hours schedules
International moms Internet brides&wives
Female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.Live to enjoy the experience,daily!
New lives camming&phone sexing hard legal.
Get paid money making naked secret Wives&Queens.
Female bosses&co-pilots.On Ten Great Lines Airlines.
Treatment like legal wives.Side-by-side in the cockpit!
Online married to the boss of Ten Great Lines.
As the proud parents of
our baby steps game plan.
Together as one.No matter the distance of miles.
Under the same heavenly roof.Of the skies,stars,moon and sun,above.
Unstoppable! Untamable! Unconditional! Roy Fennell-09/07/2017-9:57p.m.
Long overdue time for each of thee.To accept thy own Internet.
Karma/fate destiny to secret gardens mate!
With thy own secret money making lover&online husband.
Full of financial seeds of website knowledge special delivery.
To grow the dollars¢s amounts.Of thy savings/checking accounts.
Making rise the size of thy bank books.To enjoy the benefits.
Online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise.
Having only one life to live! While still above ground!
Working to live happy,daily! Not living to work until one foot
in the grave unhappy,daily!
My International loves do! Each of you promise me? To our graves? Neither of
you will never? Ever tell it about us? Within thy castles bedrooms&beds? One way or the other? Naked,red book diary way?
Got financially engaged&online married? Having neverending lustful lava hot? Bun in the oven secret desire fire?
Secretly,to be going down? The roads,bi-ways,highways and aisles? Together as one not alone? Under the same heavenly roof!
Of the stars,skies,moon&sun! For it be an unseen minds&hearts! True love fact neither of us.Can return meet,again.Face-to-face
within our past! Nor can we change the present time! Due to circumstances beyond! Our control without confict problems! Have
the real life opportunity! To control the direction! Set/plot the course of our lives&futures! Roy Fennell-01/26/2017-11:49a.m.
Ready,able,and excitedly willing to come quickly, |
into a "Financial relationship engagement" with me? Within a money for us,online relationship?Today? |
Are you one of the millions? Of unattached,wide-open and available nature? Born
modern day women,worldwide? A dollars¢s for the money woman? Good,bad,naughty,material/daddy's girl?
Safely,without walking out thy castle doors? Free willing,wide-open without strings?
Just for you special attention? One of a kind direction? Text based guidance down the roads? Bi-ways and highways? Of thy
lives for years and futures? With longterm bank book benefits? While enjoying secret excitations? Of a minds&hearts
love affair,daily? If,all your answers! Are yes come,quickly! To greet&meet me! At our saving money! Making money secret
meeting place! And Internet home! See if it could be possible! Not impossible of Internet/karma fate! Be
your destiny to real life role play! As one of the born! To be/become International! Ten Great Lines adventure women! Online
married naughty girls&secret wives! Of the boss of Ten Great Lines! Roy Fennell-10/26/2016-10:03a.m. For our financial
For our financial happiness/security
futures! Being like cement! Together as one! Within our money for us relationship online marriage!
Safely,of cybersex sexual fantasy reality! Learn! Discover! See with your own
eyes! What all naturally we can cybersex do! 24/7 365 days a year! Round the clock,nonstop! Without birth control pills or
condom! Without either of you! Or us becoming respected unexpected parents!
Unseen minds&hearts! Money love rings! For good girls eliminates potential
conflict! Problems with personal/private lives! Not my business! To know why some women! Do not desire/wish! Any of their
respected family&friends! To know about their secret! Adult pleasure camming&phone sexing lives! Roy Fennell-10/26/2016-10:59a.m.
Each of my free will International Internet brides&wives! Are the STARS of attraction! At Ten Great Lines,not me!
They are the only Ones!
Camming&phone sexing for us! As goddesses of seduction! Legal get paid naked!
Women of fantasy! Queens of their castles without walking out their doors!
Webcam&Phone sex employment! Our secret way! |
To get connected! Financially engaged&online married! Begins our neverending financial honeymoon! |
Are you a woman? Single mom or not? Lonely,bored or divorced given up hope seeking Mr.Right? Globally,on the prowl of
online adult dating sites like a female wolf in heat? To online meet a new man in your life? For a safe& long
term Internet relationship? Hungrily,dreaming&steaming to have it all,love,care,respect and help? With an Eagle eye
view towards a Gangnam Lifestyle Future? Butterfly Love? Financial Freedom Power? Come&fly with me nonstop! Together,as
One! Get yourself connected&book a round trip flight on Ten Great Lines Airlines! Become financially engaged&hitched
by Internet! Come quickly,without hesitation! Meet me at the Chapel of Love,of our Internet website home address
location! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! Within mind and heart enjoy and experience joy and happiness,daily!
As an online married Internet bride&wife! Roy Fennell-01/11/2016-12:51a.m.Queen of your Castle!
Have it all&doing it all! Part-time/full-time naked webcamming and phone sexing employment! End your financial
struggles to make ends meet,alone! For yourself,have your own online husband! And do you Money Right man! Without
walking out your Castle door! Daily,for your own secret happy heart excitations? Would your heart beat like a nonstop pounding
bass drum? If,within your secret diary there was an entry? Of the time,date and year of when you became online married? Unseen
naked wearing only your favorite expensive hi-heel shoes? Love your job or not would you be a happy woman at work? With opportunity
to jailbreak/escape a financial prison paycheck-to-paycheck? Beyond your early/full retirement age future? In a hurry?
See details on TGL-Models page!
Are you a woman? Single,divorced or still waiting for Mr.Right? Ever wished or thought it was
possible a man would come into your life with a"I got your back" attitude without strings,lies or games? Are you a woman who seriously
desires more out of life than you are recieving,now?Regardless,of your financial status,occupation,or
employment at this exact moment of time or day? (06/18/2014)Fact,when I was laid-off in Cleveland,Ohio,I
had 3 choices as per States to go! I chose California to be closer to a woman I loved who lived in Oregon! She died in a car
accident in Europe while on vacation! Still love her,today! Make the most of your life
today!There is no written guarrantee of a tommorrow!***3:02p.m.*** Roy Fennell
If your answer is yes to all above questions by attitude you may be a Ten Great Lines woman and not know it! My
name is Roy,and I seek to introduce you to a unique non-physical opportunity! By Internet only financial engagement within
a"money for us" relationship with me! Discover how&why affiliate programs promoted with smart technology! Globally,can
help you create&build your own business network Empire! Financially,help you reach a Gangnam Lifestyle Future! Daily,enjoy
your new beginnings living a Diva luxury life! Although we are not"under one roof" nor face-to-face,live in different
Cities,States,even Countries! Let me show you and prove to you distance or miles apart cannot prevent us from "making
our money" together! Non-adult and adult affiliate program opportunities can save money/ make money for you!
Even provide round the clock,nonstop income,24/7! Promotion of your own business using business cards can generate unlimited
income opportunity! Work to live being happy serving yourself,daily! Not live to work being unhappy serving
someone else! Being just a number in a computer without a written retirement&health package future! Zero automatic yearly wage
increase cost of living clause! Which could financially allow you to stomp up-n-down rising prices like a roach on the
kitchen floor! Money for us,relationship is a net connected partnership of which you get paid,first! Round the world
corporate girl? Hungry like the wolf with ambition desires for financial freedom&power? What is the profit of seeking
the elusive glass ceiling goal sacrificing love,relationship and family? When like an Eagle take a flight towards financial
freedom! Spread your wings& fly high over the glass ceiling&rooftop! Without walking out your door&OMG sizing
your bank account! No upfront fee&see everything free! No monthly dues! No minimum monthly purchase of products
or merchandise! ***Roy(*_*) &06/11/2015***1:25a.m. Every woman in the world for financial peace of mind deserves the opportunity
of a what if,plan,regardless,of her financial situation,employment or occupation!
Are you a woman who is looking for Mr.Right? Look on the dating page of my website,why? Mr.Right may be searching
for you from overseas!Seeking Mr.or Ms. right,now? Looking for a secret no tell,friend?Check out pleasure avenue road&sexy
pages of my website,why?There may be someone with identlcal desires as you! Love to find your own Sugar Daddy? Who can afford to
rent a business jet to take you on a coast-to-coast flight? Final destination fine dining&wining nightlife and luxury
resort? Are you girlfriend qualified to command the attention of big spenders seeking good times fun&adventure? Love
to find a wealthy business man with a private landing strip on his property? Nothing ventured nothing to gain! Look on road&dating
pages! Bottom-line searchTen Great Lines for what or who you are looking for ,free!You may find it,him,her or them without
walking out your door! Never be bored,again! See the world and wildlife! In motion and live at the Ten Great Lines network
of worldwide webcams! Click the (contact) page to see everything free without any upfront fee! Now,let's talk
about the money!
Today,explore my website! Discover why wearing a moneylove ring,until offered a wedding ring is to your financial
advantage,daily! Discover why I desire you to reach millionairess status and live in an expensive or $1,000,000.00 home,first,not
me! Based on your actions! Have all the above and your own Sugar,daddy! This is what Ten Great Lines can do for you,first,not
me! See why being the wind beneath each others' wings benefit you,first,not me! Everything begins with you! Without you walking
out your Castle door! I'm an American man with a website game plan for you! So we can be together as one! Regardless,of
the distance of miles between us! Safely,protected within our minds and hearts! Like we be legal man and wife,now
and later! Roy(*_*)Fennell_01/11/2016_1:09a.m. Absolutely,no lies,games,strings or physical expectations! No upfront
fee and see everything free! It is a fact! A Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle Future waits for each of you! If,free willing unstoppable
to seize it&never let go of our money for us relationship online marriage!
Who do each you see? In the cockpit with me? Except thyselves as co-pilot!
Together,as one! We be plotting our course! Towards our mutual financial success runway! Each of you not me! Will be in control!
Of our landing and touchdown! Then become Captains of your flight paths! Down the roads,bi-ways and highways! Of thy lives
still online married! Naughty girls&secret wives for life!If free will still hotly desired! Roy Fennell-10/26/2016-11:39a.m.
Enjoy the fruits of thy legal get paid naked! Safe camming&phone sexing bed!
Soaked sheets labor with free will opportunity! To reward thyselves like modern Queens! Spoiling&pampering yourselves,deliriously!
For years down the roads! Bi-ways and highways of thy lives! Enjoying for years! From the beginning with a pull them down!
Take them off for us! Naked&wet online shopping&sexual freedom paradise future! Your secret money making lover&online
husband! 10/26/2016-11:41a.m. With a special one! Of a kind without strings! International Daddy Love for unattached!
Wide-open and available women! Who are financially&sexually unhappy and unsatisfied,daily! Hungrily,safely seeking a solution!
Without minds&hearts! False promises,lies and games pollution! Nor expected/required physical sex,first!
Click&review each weblink of each page of my website,why? To see all benefits and merchandise which can be shipped
to your door in your respected Country! If you need an U.S. address click the (TGL-Models) page! Scroll down to underlined
paragraph with text language in regards to having your own U.S.A. shipping address! Huge shipping costs discounts! Roy Fennell&10/27/2014&9:12p.m.
V.I.P. treatment when having your own personal shoppers!
Special message to you! My online adult gaming&entertainment merchant partners want you to have fun! And online shop
til' you drop,without going broke,how? Take advantage of any&all of the multiple get paid survey opportunities! Without
zero risk to your paycheck! These multiple get paid surveys offer you a steady income! Without walking out your door! The
1st of many is on the home page of Ten Great Lines! Money for whatever you want,need and desire in your life! Great opportunity
to generate the seed money for your business Empire! (*_*)Roy Fennell{*_*}09/29/2015(*_*)^6:09p.m. See Gaming&Entertainment
page! When you do imagine youself! Having the opportunity of becoming an affiliate! Of some of these exciting affiliate programs!
On your own business website&cards! Poof,like magic the opportunity to promote yourself&website,worldwide!
If,sales are earned you get a cut or percentage! Lucky you! Making money while you sleep! Counting your dollars¢s,not
sheep! How could you have financial troubles? When you have the cash money? In your bank account to backup? The lifestyle
you desire to live which makes you,happy? Bank credit cards are great to have when you! Can pay all of the monthly payment
due! Or total amount due within 90 days!
In life to live some women need to reach possible financial goals which to many seem impossible!To family and friends they appear
happy yet without speaking to anyone cry in tearless silence!The same way a single potted rose goes
when Unwatered! Although on a daily basis there is a room full of people,in-n-out,and walking by!For without such goals for
them in life the woman sooner or later will slowly die,within! Such women live and breathe to reach the unreachable star,why?From
within,a silent and secret desire for financial freedom!She cannot hope to soar to reach the star unless there is wind beneath
her wings!Missing in her life is a financial plan logically able to give her life wings!Such a plan becomes the wind beneath
her wings!Once she Can see it! Believe it! Feel it! Nothing will stand in her way to Seize it! The force is called The Power
OF A Woman! )(Roy Fennell)(01/10/2016)(11:00p.m.() Only such women are Ten Great Lines Women-untold,until,now!
What is the power of a woman? A force of nature from within each woman which causes her to take action to go after,capture
or seize a goal(s)! Once she has set her mind to go get it! Her action(s) is like a runaway freight train! Regardless
of any detours or obstacles in her path or way!
Ever seen any version of the movie,King Kong? Was it a woman or a man who tamed him? Know what I'm thinking? If,he
appeared from the sea walking upon dry land! Quickly,some men&women would run away! Let there be a single
woman pushing a baby stroller! She would fight to the death without hesitation to protect the life of her precious child!
That is the power of a woman with heart&soul commitment and sense of purpose in her life! Do I believe it? I do! Roy Fennell-06/11/2015-1:41a.m.
Are you a woman? Work in retail? Part-time employment? Single mom? Zero respected retirement&healthHR benefits package?
See nothing at the end of the rainbow? Except,rise-n-shine drive from home to work? Drive from work to home? Regardless,if
you have 5 or more years of service with perfect attendance? Never been late had glowing performance reviews? Sexy,young,hot,horny
and got skills on the cash register and have no doubts you could do your job,blindfolded? If management has health benefits
coverage,does that seem fair to you? This is my special invitation,from me to you respectfully,for 3 reasons:
1.Opportunity-on your days off,to create for yourself and child(s) a full-time paycheck going into your bank account!
2.Opportunity-maximize your sales skills towards unlimited financial income soaring like an eagle in heights and
3.Opportunity-to set your financial foundation towards your own retirement fund,on your days off! How can you lose at
Ten Great Lines? You can create a financial nestegg/college education fund for child(s),too! In my opinion,it may take a degree
to get a job! Bagging groceries at a grocery store in the future,why? Higher wages could cause increase of job requirements,duties
and responsibilites such as cross utilization of job descriptions!
Do I love you and your child(s) without strings? I do!Neither of us can change the past! By your actions you can
create a better life and future for youself and child(s)! A woman needs to see it and feel it,first,before allowing her mind
to begin believing what is said is true,why? To protect herself from lies,games and strings! If you ain't got nobody,you got
me! 50% of something is better than 100% of nothing! In principle,you do not need to feel you are alone! As a virtual
employer I must treat each woman equally! Share my feelings without favortism,why?1.To me a woman or man as a virtual
employee is an asset to Ten Great Lines,not a liability! If she is financially unable to provide for her child(s) how
can I expect her for example to provide a great webcam show or take an interest in affiliate programs if her child(s) needs
to go to the doctor! Look on the health page to what I have for you and your child(s)!
2. Virtual customers of Ten Great Lines need to see,feel and believe I care about their family and friends,too!
In otherwords,at Ten Great Lines the bottom-line is not me and their money! The customer is the bottom-line for without them
and their money ain't no company,period! Speaking of money,need a loan not from a short term lender? Take a look on Shopping-13
page! Look at the date! Then compare this date below! When I say,I love you and child(s) I mean it! ***Roy Fennell***07/06/2014***2:50a.m.
When you get to the page,remember the words on the underlined paragraph!
Ten Great Lines worldwide virtual employment! |
Take care of your customers and employees,first ,shareholders will benefit from tidal wave profits! |
Are you a woman? Work in retail? Single mom? Work part-time employment? Dream of being able to send your child(s) to college,even
though you must depend on public assistance or worse do not qualify because you earn,too much? Come closer,after you stop
crying see what a virtual employer is willing to do for you and your child(s)! No fairy tale! Click-here!(*_*)Roy Fennell{*_*}07/03/2014(*_*)4:43p.m{*_+)
Are you a woman? Single mom? Work in retail? Work part-time? Live in an apartment? Dream of living in a home with a backyard?
Dream of being able to plant flowers? Play with your child(s) in a swimming pool? By your actions as a Ten Great Lines Adventure
woman or Ten Great Lines Webcam model can make your dream a daily reality! Seeing is believing! Click-here!&Roy Fennell&07/08/2014&6:07p.m.
Are you a woman? Employed in an always under pressure work environment? Based on high stress expectations ever feel
you are Underpaid? Have a child(s)? Work full-time at 40hrs per week? Have on the job health benefits? Sick
time,if can be proven for yourself and child(s) equal to 3 days per month? Are you a woman? Ever dream of changing the world
to make it better for yourself and other women,worldwide? Ever dream of ever becoming a financially Independent
woman? Make a difference at respected community food banks? Meals on wheel? Help feed the respected homeless peoples&children?
If nobody else is concerned enough if they live or die? In silence under a highway bridge? At Ten Great Lines dreams
and wishes can come true! Question,in regards to potential billions of tourism dollars¢s? Would zero homelessness
and safer cleaner streets and neighborhoods? Be a King Kong size financial asset or liability to Our respected Country
of America? Roy Fennell-09/17/2015-2:42p.m.Are you a woman? Of silent pillow tears for children of our world? From
the deep pain&agony within your mind and heart? Could this be the time in your life? For you to be a super woman
hero? Financially,saving&rescuing yourself,first? From financial bondage,then save and rescue? The children of our world
like on a mission in life? Ever heard the song,Heroes,by David Bowie?
I'm working 65hrs a week, struggle to pay bills!! |
My rent and utilities keep rising,what am I to do? Car insurance payment is nearly due,too! |
Come closer,do you have part-time employment,meaning either of 2 types! What do I mean? Type1. fixed amount
of hours per week such as 30hrs! Type2.unpredictable amount of hours per week! it could be 20hrs this week,30hrs next week
and the following week 15hrs that week! Be honest, is it extremely stressful once you get to the parking lot,not having a
clue of the amount of hours you will just have to make due, somehow? Want to know what I think of that situation? In principle,like
giving a child a single slice of bread! Then telling the child to go to bed so he or she will not notice the hunger! (*)(*)(*)Roy
Why limit your financial survival to a single income source?Are you afraid of
being laid- off? Worried about down-sizing? Unpredictible,cuts in your work hours? Get white- knuckled at the mention
of the word,outsourcing or merger?Financially protect yourself! Create multiple income streams! Create a continuous
fountain of round the clock,nonstop! Always flowing money into your bank account! Learn the
concept of affiliate programs! See how they can benefit you! Even family and friends,too ! You will become
knowledge enabled to make money and save money at your own pace! Be not afraid! ***10:03p.m.***09/29/2015 Let your fear
be your spear that points you towards financial freedom! Do not miss the benefits of what becoming an affiliate can do for
you! The income streams can become a financial tidal wave! When you maximize your potential profits! Take financial advantage&raise
a money storm treat! For your bank account to sleep financially peacefully! Take advantage of the Ten Great Lines Financial
Advantage Networks! The Ten Great Lines Webcam Models Network! The Ten Great Lines Online Shopping&Vendors Network!
The Ten Great Lines Business Opportunities Network! The Ten Great Lines Financial Employment Network! The Ten Great Lines
Health&Wellness Network! The Ten Great Lines Airlines Merchant&Partners Network! The Ten Great Lines Online
Adult dating&Romance Network! The Ten Great Lines Online Adult gaming&Entertainment Network! The Ten Great Lines Airlines
Travel&Vacation Adventure Network! End the hen pecking of your net paycheck! From rising prices,daycare&babysitter
expenses! Also,increase your net worth&bank credit score at once! To gain access to any network! Use the navigational
bar above any webpage! To navigate to another page or network! Within the waves of webpages of Ten Great Lines! Financially,swell,tidal
wave,King Kong and super size! Your bank book savings/checking accounts' financial spending power!
Does it seem to be a juggling act or performance show? Going on with your part-time hours? Causing financial nightmares
if having 2 part-time jobs? Do sudden unexpected rising prices? Seem to have and keep your savings/checking accounts,unbalanced?
Due to the fact! You must spend money? Meant to be saved or used to pay another bill? To cover the cost of rising prices?
Which financially hen pecks your bank balance? Roy Fennell-09/25/2015-8:36p.m.
Chinese proverb: Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Chinese proverb:Always,always practice humility.
Chinese proverb:Be concerned,not obsessed,with your health.
Chinese proverb:A true friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
Ten Great Lines promotes a collection of specific vendor affiliate programs! Only respected vendors
make payments to affiliates of their specific program(s)! Become a financial partner within a"money for us" relationship!
Sign-up,to become an affiliate of your favorite program(s)The Ten Great Lines website becomes your source! Think of
Ten Great Lines as a global Net city within Internet space! Did you know,at Ten Great Lines you can
discover more than one save money/make money respected multi-Countries garage sales without walking out your door? Also,no
need to have your at home garage door wide-open during a yard/garage sale! Due to my mail-order business background
the underlined text language paragraphs you see reflect classified ads seen in newspapers&magazine publications! Like
magic,they will open for you just click anywhere ,on the specific underlined text which interests,you!
In otherwords,if you see text or language,in regards to something,not of your interest,you are under no obligation,to click
it! You will not see pop-ups,to disturb or invade your privacy! The website navigational tabs are like airport concourses!
Specific weblinks are parked like aircraft at gates! You will discover my robot mechanics&our maintenance hangar! Within
the vendor hangar is the entrance-exit to the Intergalactic maintenance space base! At,it is a sure
bet you will not find boredom! By the way,sometimes the game monsters love to escape! Have no fear since on this Jumbo
747 Jet there are 2 female twins wearing red leather&hi-heels who track them down 24/7,without breaking a fingernail! Their
boots like the song,are made for walking and time for me to stop talking so you do not fall asleep!***Roy Fennell***3:52a.m.(*_*)***05/31/2015-
Thank-you,for flying Ten Great Lines Airlines where each customer has a first class seat even in coach and economy sections,why?
Without you we could never get off the ground and we would be found in the Aircraft graveyard in the desert! Do I mean it
without any strings? Absolutely&Truly,I do! Ten Great Lines began as an idea! Mail-order customers made Ten Great Lines,not
me! Do I still love them today? I do! Ever heard&seen the music video,Who made Who,by AC/DC? Even today,I have never
forgotten the true value of a single mail-order customer! They gave Ten Great Lines wings to go from mail-order to Internet!
Ten Great Lines Airlines! Free round trip flight! |
Taking-off,towards Financial Freedom Power! Butterfly Love! Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle Futures! 24/7! |
Shhh,love to know a secret? There is an out of this world Ten Great Lines female vampiress! Hanging out even
in daylight within the pages of Ten Great Lines! Says she looking for love,even a date,maybe,more! Got a girlfriend,by name
of Elvira,who is a mystery woman! Do I love them? Heavenly&truly,I do! We no tell adult pleasure play games in
the cockpit,too! Never have to tell them what to do! Naturally,each one of my beyond naughty girls! Know exactly
what to do,nonstop! Must be the power of neverending love between us! Roy Fennell-07/17/2015-11:11p.m.
Are you a woman? One of the millions? Of unattached women,worldwide? Waiting/seeking
a new beginnings&man?
To come into your life? Not dip-n-go then runaway? Instead stay like cement?
Love,care and respect you? Like a legal wife? Without walkig out your castle door?
Have a powerful sex drive? Like a locomotive steam engine?
Addicted to sex&money? Hungry like a female wolf? In heat for the finer things
in life? Free willing,wide-open and available? For safe text based direction and guidance? Did you know some top? Webcam
models earn while naked? $10,000.00 bi-weekly? By Internet let's get connected! Financially engaged&online married! Tightly,wrap
your legs around! Our money for us relationship online marriage!
Come to! See with your own eyes! All minds,hearts and bank
book! Benefits waiting for you! No upfront fee&see everything free! Be my co-pilot!
How much do you earn?It varies by vendor!Some vendors pay $100.00 per sale!Some vendors pay a percentage per
total amount per sale! If you make a $10.00 profit from a single digital product or affiliate program!Purchased by 100,000
peoples over the Net!What would be the total amount of your profit?Ten Great Lines adult and non affiliate programs is
all about us earning $1,000,000.00,together,for us!Working smarter,not harder! On the TGL-Models page of our online shared
website! Have you seen or taken a look? By clicking,reviewing and seeing with your own eyes? Absolutely&truly the
website content link? Featuring a showcase of their models of outstanding fabulous new cars? $$$+++1:40a.m.$$$+++01/11/2016+++Roy
Fennell $$$ Question,on your job,how long will it take you to reach Millionairess of the year? Are you a woman?
Love to online shop? Make money round the clock,nonstop? Love to wide-eyed see a $1,000,000.00 legal financial plan?
Regardless of your percentage per program(s) every penny counts,why? Double a penny(one cent) each day for 30 days! At
the 15th day the amount is $163.84! By the 30 day mark the amount is over $3,000,000.00 dollars! Actually more! The Ten Great
Lines marketing tools or programs allow you to promote your affiliate program(s),quickly!(*_*)Roy Fennell_11/04/2014_9:51p.m. Do
the math and see for yourself,please!
Based on opportunity! Affiliate program(s),winnings at gaming and get paid surveys,together! Triples your potential income
streams opportunities at once! Bottom-line,every penny counts towards having for yourself,a plump&big bank account!
Minimum efforts for maximum profits without risks to your present source of income! Roy Fennell$+11/06/2014+4:55p.m.
Speaking of big money! On my homepage there is info in regards to Eagle member! What can be actually,verified,at
one time,with specific,business related"strictly confidential financially,structured,info,to various U.S,and International
corporations,created "high in volume"mail,generating a degreed,amount of revenue,towards,the postal system! During that time
of year I recieved a christmas card from Washington,D.C. At present date,I would estimate the business name,Ten Great Lines,is
in the computers of 5000 corporations,today!***06/18/2014***5:06p.m.-Roy Fennell
Respectfully,do you have a written guarrantee of lifetime employment? ^*&*5:16p.m.^^^^06/18/2014^`~*&*
Respectfully,does your employer have a retirement package waiting for you,being recognized as an asset to the company?
Respectfully,in regards to your own financial future,during your free time,could it be to your advantage,to begin planning
your own retirement package,today?)((&^*^%(*_*)?06/26/2014?LKIJyg_4:22p.m.
Respectfully,are you a woman? Respectfully,are you a man? Live anywhere within our world? With at least 5 years of brick-n-mortar
respected employment? Respectfully,having perfect attendance for at least 3 years? Respectfully,have you ever recieved a birthday
card? Respectfully,on your special occasion of life? And loyal employment service,too? Respectfully,as a once a year
thank-you for your work? Labor as a team player? Respectfully,in your opinion could such an act? Of human being consideration
been a possible write-off,too? Roy Fennell-05/09-2016-5:56a.m.
If you are a woman of action, I indirectly,want
to help you,"pay your rent,bills,financially take care of you! Make all your dreams come true,how? By providing
you with information which can help us save money and make money! Not at each others' expense! No upfront fee!This is a business
partnership! A money for us relationship without physical contact! Have an open-mind? Love what more money
could do for you? Did you know,by using various social media networks,within their respected guidelines, you could
promote your favorite affiliate programs? Increase your potential webcam client database! Let smart technology
increase your bank account,too! Create for yourself,unlimited income,quickly! Let smart technology do your
hard work,while you get paid and enjoy the benefits! Benefit from more potential when together,as One,we become the wind beneath
each others' wings in life without lies,games or strings! Globally,under the same roof of the clouds,sky&stars above us!
Together,going towards our Gangnam Lifestyle Futures! Truly,if you had your own business&business cards,now! In addition,to
respected social media networks! Due to the fact,on the dating page you will discover International dating websites! How quickly,could
your business Empire become global,using the guidelines of the respected websites? Roy Fennell-01/10/2016-11:48p.m. Knowledge
is power and how used counts in dollars¢s! Internet wives&daddy's girls for their money is a virtual reality not
fantasy! Did you know driving your car or as a Mystery Shopper you could get paid? Explore and discover more sweet money opportunities!
If having only one life to live! And not having a respected on the job retirement! HR health benefits package down the
road! At the end of the rainbow when you reach early/full retirement age! Don't each of you believe and feel? You deserve
more out of your lives? Than a drive from home to work with commuter traffic risks? Then with unpaid commuter traffic
risks? Drive from work back home 5,10,20,30 or 40 more years future? Within each of your Castle bedrooms! Free willing to
pull them down like you mean it? Take them off and be unseen wide-open to stay ? Part-time/full-time enduring
as many physical orgasms? As possible you can take camming&phone sexing your heavenly assets? Within our money for us
relationship online marriage?
Based on my own free will decisions and choices! Of free will actions,motions,labor
and free time,first! Not just for me,us,of my mind&heart,first! Of the creation of our online shared website business,Ten
Great Lines! Of no upfront fee&see everything free! Globally,without strings or expected physical contact at all! The
best I could do to equally be the wind! Beneath your wings without walking out your Castle doors! Is to provide informational
financial help! In,addition,to suggestions,ideas and methods! With multiple adult/non adult save money! Make money affiliate
program opportunities free,too! Absolutely,towards a Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle Future! Butterfly Love! Financial
Freedom Power! On the roads,bi-ways and highways of our lives! Unseen,together as one! In the direction of a do as we please
life,daily! A relationship is a 2-way street face-to-face! Under the same physical roof or not! Even under the same heavenly
roof! Of the stars,skies,moon and sun,above! Roy Fennell-05/21/2016-7:28p.m.
Are you a nature born woman? One of the millions of women?
Super horny-n-wet,daily? With female pride,worldwide?
Not within any kind of committed relationship? Married or not?
Having laptops/desktops with webcams available? True or not?
Have a resume/profile? On an adult dating/jobs website? Are
you tired of being broke? Unhappy about the direction?
Of thy life&future,too? Concerns about your long-term?
Financial happiness/security future? Are either of you,yes?
I do ready naked? Able for us to create,make and set? Thy
own webcam&phone sex schedules? Not me each of thee?
Being in the driver's seat control? Our red book diary way?
By Internet financially engaged&online married? Within
our money for us relationship online marriage?
Online married,first? Female (TGL)-Models?
International brides&wives? All the way no play?
Going in the direction? Towards thy own respected early?
Full retirement ages along the journey?
Benefits of 4 opportunities right before thy eyes:
2.Rich/wealthy women from free will purchases.
Of gold coins,vials and loose diamond stones
3.Luxury&gangnam DiVa women lifestyle futures
4.Online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise
All the above&more! Without any physical sex contact.
From thy own special ones.Hooked&seduced fo'life.
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